The Gottlob Kurz GmbH is a specialty shop for midwives, doctors and nurses, parents, and parents to be. It is a family business in the fourth generation. Our range of products includes everything for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

Through our work, we became aware of the Star Children and Mrs. Pechmann. As a Star Mom, she knows how painful it is to lose a child. Mrs. Pechmann gave birth to her still born son Florian at 20 weeks. In order to lovingly say farewell to him at home, in the family circle, the search for a suitable children’s casket began and ended unsuccessfully. To make this situation easier for other parents, Mrs. Pechmann decided to offer lovingly handcrafted children’s caskets under the name Nestchen®, which means Little Nest.

It is important for us that Star Parents can say farewell to their children lovingly and with dignity. And so, we have included Nestchen® in our range of products.

I always thought time was a thief, stealing everything I love. But now I know that she gives before she takes. Every day is a gift - every hour, every minute, every second.

- Lewis Carroll -
(Alice in Wonderland)

Nestchen® is a children’s casket that was specially made for Star Children. It is available in five different sizes and fabric combinations. It is permitted for burials in all federal states of Germany. Inside, there is a small pocket for a farewell note and gifts for the child.



Create a comfortable environment for your Star Child.


Nestchen® is special because it can be combined with the mobile cooling system CuddleCot™. This cooling system makes it possible to say farewell to your child in a familiar home environment. A small opening on Nestchen® offers space for the CuddleCot™ cooling system. It is hardly audible and the opening can easily be closed later.

A list of these will follow shortly. For more information, please contact us. We will be happy to help you find a CuddleCot™ near you.

The Nestchen®, in combination with the CuddleCot™, allows you the precious time of saying farewell at home and gives you the most valuable experience with your child:


  • Yes, the Nestchen® corresponds to the respective cemetery and cremation regulations and can be used directly for burial or cremation. No other casket is necessary.

  • Yes, your child can go home with you in the Nestchen® for a defined time in combination with the CuddleCot™. Ask your Mortician about permits.

  • You can borrow a CuddleCot™ from hospices, self-help groups and associations, and mortuaries. A list can be found here: (link will be included)

  • The size of the Nestchen® is dependent on the size of the child. Nestchen® is available in these sizes.

    Size 1: up to approx. 10 cm

    Size 2: up to approx. 20 cm

    Size 3: up to approx. 30 cm

    Size 4: up to approx. 42 cm

    Size 5: up to approx. 52 cm

Contact us.


Hinterbergstraße 14
65207 Wiesbaden 

Website: www.gottlob-kurz.de
E-mail: nestchen@gottlob-kurz.de

Phone: +49 (0) 611 - 189 90 19